Japanese language school is allowed to continue enrolling after the abuse of Vietnamese people

The court allowed Nishinihon Japanese Language School, which had its license revoked because of the abuse of Vietnamese male students in 2021, to continue to accept international students.
Japan's Yomiuri newspaper today cited the decision on September 30 by Judge Hayashi Fumi, Fukuoka court, suspending the decision to withdraw the license to accept international students within 5 years for Nishinihon International Education Institute. The ruling was made after the court received a complaint from the Japanese language school.
"There is no evidence of systemic human rights violations," Judge Hayashi said, arguing that the decision to withdraw the license could cause serious economic damage to the school, making the recovery process difficult. then it becomes difficult.
The ruling came after the Japan Immigration Agency on September 7 revoked the license of the Nishinihon Institute of International Education following the school staff's abuse of a Vietnamese practitioner last year. According to the decision to withdraw the license, Nishinihon International Education Institute cannot accept foreign students for the next 5 years.
However, on September 9, the legal entity operating the school, the Miyata Gakuen Education Corporation, filed an appeal with the local court, asking for the immediate punishment to be canceled, because the abuse of Vietnamese students is an act. employee's personal, not organizational.
The Japan Immigration Agency has not made any appeal after the judge's ruling.
In October 2021, staff at the Nishinihon Institute of International Education were found to have used chains and locks around the waist of Tran Mau Hoang, a Vietnamese male practitioner in his 20s, to restrain him for several years. hour.
Even when returning to the dormitory, male students are still prohibited from leaving the room. The incident occurred due to a disagreement between this man and the school about his desire to transfer schools.
The school side admitted that there was an incident of controlling Vietnamese students, but said that staff at that time were only "joking without malicious intent". The employee who abused Hoang has resigned.
Duc Trung (According to Youmiuri)