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Experience for Labor export

Japanese labor export interview experience is sure to pass

Japanese labor export interview experience is sure to pass

Interviewing is an important step for you to demonstrate your abilities to the employer. There are many people who find it difficult and encounter many problems while interviewing for Japanese labor export. If you are also facing this situation, do not ignore the sharing below.

Interview process for Japanese labor export
After passing the preliminary round such as health check, appearance, education level, you will need to have an interview. At this time, you will be able to meet directly with the recruitment agency in Japan. Your job is to show the employer that you are capable. If you successfully persuade, the opportunity to go to Japan to work abroad will be realized quickly. So what's the interview process?
Hello and introduce yourself
Before entering the interview, you need to knock on the door twice as a minimum politeness. When the interviewer says "hai, douzo" (Yes, please come in) you open the door and bow and say "shitsureshimasu" (I'm sorry). When greeting, you will show with a fresh face, look directly at the opponent with a sincere attitude.
How to introduce yourself in Japanese in an interview is also very simple. You will introduce your name and age in the following manner:
Introduce name: “watashi wa NGUYEN VAN A desu” – “My name is NGUYEN VAN A”.
Age introduction: “nijuusan sai desu” – “I am 23 years old”.
Besides the basic introduction with name, age. Employers also want to exploit other information about you such as your hometown, where you live now or your family, and personal interests. The Japanese way to say this information is:
Introduction of hometown and place of residence: “Hanoi kara kimashita” – “I come from Hanoi”.
Family introduction: “kazoku wa gonin desu” – “My family has 5 people”.
Hobbies: “watashinoshumi wa sakka desu” – “My hobby is soccer”.
Employer Questions
Employers' questions for employees do not stop at finding out their name, age, interests, but also related to other issues related to the job and the skills you have. Let's find out what employers often ask in Japanese labor export interviews:
1/ Question about the goal of going to Japan
Question: What is your purpose of going to Japan? (Nihon ni iku mokuteku wa nan desuka?)
Answer: My purpose of going to Japan is to earn money, learn how the Japanese work and learn Japanese. (Watashi no nihon ni ikumokuteki ha okane wo kasegukoto totomoni nihonjin no hatarakikata to nihongo wo manabitai desu.)
This is the first question the employer wants to ask you. They often love people who are eager to learn. Therefore, in addition to talking about money, you should also mention what you can learn when you come to Japan to work. When you say this, you will definitely score high in front of the employer.
2/ Questions about the practice test
Question: How did you feel about the last practice test? (Sakihodo no jitsugishiken ha dou to omoimasuka)
Answer: I don't think it's difficult, but because I'm worried, I can't do well. (Amari muzukashikunakatta ga chotto kinchoshite yokudekimasendeshita)
3/ Question about current job
Question: What is your current job? (Genzai noshigoto ha nandesuka)
Answer: I am working at a welding workshop near my house (Ie no chikaku ni yosetsu no kojo de hataraiteimasu) or I am helping my parents in farming (Ryoshin no nogyo ni tetsudatteimasu).
Here are some tasks that you can choose to replace in the answer to have the best preparation before the interview:
No. Occupation How to read Japanese
   1 Agriculture nougyou
   2 Mechanical kikai
   3 Korean yousetsu
   4 May housei
   5 Building kensetsu
   6 Cooking ryouri
   7 Electric denki
   8 Electronic denshi
Your question for the employer
Besides the problems that the employer gives you. You can also ask questions to companies and businesses in Japan to have the most accurate basis for making the right order.
The experience of interviewing labor export orders is sure to pass
When interviewing for a Japanese labor export, you need to pay attention to some of the following issues to make sure to pass the exam, specifically as follows:
Show confidence
Calmness and confidence are the keys to the Japanese labor export interview. Sometimes you don't need to have an excellent education, but having confidence in yourself will definitely score high marks in the eyes of employers:
Look directly into the eyes of the opposite person: Answer accurately, to the point, decisively and fluently to common questions such as: "Do you love this job?"; “Do you believe you are qualified to do this job well?”
Show confidence when needed: A straight look – a clear, firm word – a calm, composed posture – a humble but quick action.
In each of us there are always two attitudes that exist in parallel: that of fear and that of confidence. If you dress up any kind of attitude more, more skillfully, that attitude will be more beautiful and majestic, more vibrant and colorful, stronger and more positive. Confidence comes from you having to train yourself, so you need to practice confidence as soon as possible.
Answer to the point
If you know how to answer wisely, the chances of passing the interview will be very high. Answering in the right focus, cleverly, confidently will score plus points for employers who go to labor export orders. You should not be too worried, you need confidence to be able to answer fully, not too rambling to unexpected questions from the unit in Japan.
Employers want employees to be honest, which helps them determine if you're a good fit for the job you're applying for. Issues related to work performance, experience and qualifications, it is imperative that you always be honest. When your interviewer starts asking questions about your private life, you should be very careful with your answers. When asking "Why did you leave the old company and find a new job?", you should not complain about the bad points, but instead state that you want to have new experiences, learn more things.
Serious manners
Professional and serious behavior is what interested employees need to pay attention to. Dress is a very important factor because it is the first thing employers use to evaluate your style. You need to pay attention to the following issues:
Dress appropriately: This is a very important factor because it is the first thing employers use to evaluate your style. The clothes that should be avoided are jeans, t-shirts, too fancy or sexy, torn clothes, etc.
Gentle when entering: You should open the door gently, avoid making noise and bow to the recruiter.
Thank you: Give thanks every time you are asked a question by the employer. Candidates often skip this part and just focus on answering the question right away. This is one of the tips to help you make a good impression on the employer.
Leave very professionally: Employers are very attentive to your style after the interview is over, how you get up to leave and greet them. You should bow to the interviewer and take a few steps back before turning to leave.
The secret to learning Japanese to work abroad quickly
To be able to go to Japan to work abroad quickly, learning Japanese is essential. Knowing Japanese will help you a lot in your work and life in Japan, even after returning home you still need this new language:
Master the Japanese language
If you don't know, the Japanese use 4 writing systems, each consisting of different letters. At first, everyone would think that it would take a long time to learn and memorize. However, in any Japanese writing system, each word is pronounced with only some combination of 46 basic syllables. The classification of the writing system will help your learning Japanese more effectively.
Start your Japanese learning by practicing pronunciation of words in Hiragana and Katakana. Learning any language, you also need to know basic grammar rules. Japanese grammar is simple and flexible, so it's easy to put words together to form meaningful sentences.
Suitable learning method
There are many methods of learning Japanese. You should choose the method that suits your preferences to get the best results. Here are some suggestions for you:
Participate in Japanese conversation often: Join Japanese learning groups to be able to communicate regularly, chatting like this every day will help you to be more confident in communication. Rereading these words often will help you develop your reading comprehension skills.
Make Japanese friends: You will have many opportunities to interact with native people when you come to Japan. This will not only help you make close friends, but also an opportunity to learn more Japanese and learn about Japanese culture.
Exposure to Japanese media: Reading news, watching movies, listening to Japanese-related radio will help you learn Japanese more effectively.
Learning attitude
A serious study attitude and a specific plan will help you understand and communicate in Japanese more easily. If the writing part is too complicated to learn, you should prioritize learning phonetic transcription first to facilitate life in Japan first. After that, if you want to take the Japanese language test that will help you in future work, you can improve it later.