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Experience for Labor export

Japanese labor export standards: Height, weight, education...

Japanese labor export standards: Height, weight, education...

Mr. Hoang Quang A (22 years old, Nghe An) had a question: "I just graduated from Agricultural University and am planning to export labor to Japan but not much information about this labor export market. Knowing what the Japanese labor export standards are, what are the popular occupations, you should choose and register to go to a reputable and quality center to export labor.

To answer the above question, we have compiled the necessary information that you should know, so don't miss it!
Why should you go to Japan to export labor?
The Japanese labor export market is one of the markets that attracts a lot of Vietnamese workers to work. So what makes this market so attractive? Here are some reasons to help you consider whether to go to Japan to work abroad.
Japanese labor export with high income
High wages are the first attraction that makes workers come to the Japanese market. The salary of the order usually ranges from 120,000 yen / month or more, equivalent to 24 million / month, depending on the industry you choose to export, the salary is also different. Besides, you can also improve your income by working overtime or registering with your manager to work overtime.
Human Development
Japanese labor export not only has high income but also helps to develop ordinary people in all aspects, which can be mentioned as:
Work style
Japan is famous for being a disciplined country, so after a period of working here, you will have a self-disciplined, disciplined and responsible life for the work you are doing. This helps you to better yourself.
Japanese skills
Japanese language skills are a great advantage of Japanese labor export interns after returning home, especially when they apply for jobs in Japanese companies with branches in Vietnam.
By being exposed to the world's leading modern technologies in Japan, you will improve your professional knowledge and gain experience, so your job opportunities after returning home are also wide. more open.
Welfare regime
When going to Japan to work abroad, workers enjoy many good benefits. All living and housing problems are arranged for workers when coming to the land of the rising sun. Employees are guided on culture, traffic, using banking services, supermarkets, etc.
During the working process, employees are entitled to social insurance, health insurance and pension insurance. All legitimate rights of employees are protected. On New Year's Day in Japan, workers are also entitled to bonuses and vacations like in Vietnam.
Modern and advanced working environment
The land of cherry blossoms has always been known as a country with developed technology in all fields such as agriculture, industry, science and technology, etc. When working, all technologies are applied to increase productivity. work and reduce labor.
What are the requirements to go to Japan to work abroad?
Once you understand and choose the right industry to go to Japan, there are certain criteria you need to meet to qualify for that order as follows:
Age requirement
Normally, the conditions for going to Japan to work abroad are 18-35 years old. However, in many cases, there are some jobs that have a maximum age limit of 40 years.
Standards of appearance
The candidate's height factor is usually only relative, not a decisive factor for candidate selection. Depending on the order you choose, the height requirements are also different, such as:
Construction: Male 1.60m tall or more.
Mechanical: Male 1.65m tall or more (1 number of applications require 1.68m or more)
Agriculture: Male 1.65m tall or more; Female 1.50m tall or more
Food: Male 1.65m tall or more; Female 1.50m tall or more
Garment: Female 1.50m and up
Besides, one of the Japanese labor export standards required is that the requirements for appearance are also very necessary, not too skinny or too fat. Because if you are too thin or fat, it may affect the quality of work when that worker does it.
Health standards
Each worker when going to work abroad in Japan must ensure health requirements and have a certificate of health eligibility to work abroad from a Vietnamese health agency. Workers suffering from diseases such as tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis B, color blindness, etc. are not eligible to export to Japan.
Education standards
To export Japanese labor, usually the minimum educational requirement is having a junior high school degree. However, if you have a vocational certificate or degree, your chances of getting hired and getting a job will also be better.
Work experience required
Not all orders when going to export labor also require working experience. Usually, the orders to export Japanese labor do not require experience in assembling electronic components, food processing, plastic molding, mechanical processing, etc. The orders that require experience are usually soldering. machine control, garment.